
 2015年、米国務省による3週間の訪米招待プログラム「IVLP」に光栄ながら参加した際、通訳として大変お世話になった Lefteris Kafatos (カファト・レフテリ)さんが、ブログ「THE JAPAN LENS」で私を紹介してくださいました。

 タイトルは、『Konishi Kazuyoshi on Gender Inequality: “We Japanese men need to rethink our priorities”』 (日本の男性たちは、自らの優位性を捉え直す必要がある)



In 2015, when I was honored to participate in the IVLP(International visitor Leadership Program ), a 3-week invitation program by the State Department to visit the U.S. 🇺🇸, Mr.Lefteris Kafatos who was very kind to me as an interpreter introduced me on his latest blog: 🙇‍♂️

The whole article is in English, but the video(You Tube) is in Japanese. I would be very happy if you could read it. ❗️

Please leave your comments 📝 with the link to the article.
